Four TIP Teachers Selected as 2014 National Fellows by the Yale National Initiative

8 Apr

The Teachers Institute of Philadelphia is pleased to announce that four teachers have been selected to represent TIP as National Fellows at the Yale National Initiative’s summer seminar program in New Haven, CT this July. The Fellows and the seminars they’ll participate in are:

Erin Bloom, Wagner Middle School


Tara Ann Carter, Hill-Freedman World Academy

Understanding History and Society through Images, 1776-1914

Sydney Coffin, Edison/Fareira High School

Playing with Poems: Rules, Tools, and Games

Troy Holiday, South Philadelphia High School

Microbes Rule!

They are among 72 teachers from 12 cities and counties across the country who will participate. For two weeks in July, National Fellows will attend daily two-hour seminars, and will create innovative curriculum units for their students based on seminar content, guidance from the Seminar Leader, individual research, and feedback from their colleagues. The units will be shared on the YNI website for reference and use by teachers everywhere. Congratulations to all 2014 National Fellows for being selected for this excellent and rigorous professional development program!

To learn more about the Yale National Initiative, visit:

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