Archive | April, 2013

Three TIP Teachers Selected as 2013 National Fellows by Yale National Initiative

1 Apr

TIP is pleased to announce that three TIP teachers have been selected to represent TIP as National Fellows at the Yale National Initiative’s summer seminar program in New Haven, CT this July. Terry Anne Wildman, from Overbrook Elementary School, will participate in Art of Biography, led by Professor John Lewis Gaddis. Stuart Surrey, a science teacher at Girls’ High, will participate in Genetic Engineering and Human Health, led by Professor Mark Saltzman. Sydney Coffin, who teaches English at University City High School and serves on the YNI National Steering Committee on behalf of TIP, will participate in Invisible Cities: The Arts and Renewable Community, led by Professor Joseph R. Roach.

Wildman, Surrey, and Coffin will be joined by teachers from the four other Institutes (New Haven, Pittsburgh, Charlotte, and Delaware) as well as school districts from across the country, including Chicago, the Diné (Navajo) Nation, Richmond, Tulsa, and Emeryville, San Jose, and San Mateo, CA. For two weeks in July, National Fellows attend daily two-hour seminars, and will create innovative curriculum units for their students based on seminar content, guidance from the Seminar Leader, and peer review. The units will be shared on the YNI website for reference and use by teachers everywhere. Congratulations to all 2013 National Fellows for being selected for this excellent and rigorous professional development program!

To learn more about the Yale National Initiative, visit: