Archive | March, 2013

TIP and PhilaSoup Team Up to Celebrate and Support Teachers

5 Mar

On Sunday, March 3rd, the Teachers Institute of Philadelphia hosted PhilaSoup’s March dinner in Penn’s Houston Hall. TIP would like to thank everyone at PhilaSoup, the event’s volunteers and donors, and all who were in attendance for making the evening a great success. Beforehand, several teachers participated in a focus group on teacher collaboration with the Philadelphia Education Fund. Then, over a delicious soup dinner, three Philadelphia teachers presented their ideas for innovative classroom projects. We are very proud of Sydney Coffin, an English teacher at University City High School and dedicated TIP Fellow, who was voted the evening’s grantee. Sydney will use the grant to create a compilation of poetry and artwork by current and former students. The published work will honor the students and their experiences at UCHS, which is slated for closure this year. We look forward to seeing the completed project and we’re grateful to PhilaSoup for making it possible!

Sydney Coffin was voted the evening's grantee (photo courtesy of PhilaSoup)

Sydney Coffin was voted the evening’s grantee (photo courtesy of PhilaSoup)