Archive | February, 2013

TIP to Host PhilaSoup’s March 3rd Dinner

18 Feb

The Teachers Institute of Philadelphia will host PhilaSoup’s next meeting on Sunday, March 3rd from 6-8pm at the University of Pennsylvania. “PhilaSoup is a monthly microgrant dinner meant to bring innovative and dynamic Philadelphia-area educators together, highlight the great work they are doing, and fund some terrific projects. The vision for PhilaSoup is to be a monthly microgrant dinner that starts and ends with educators but is an access point to education for the whole city.”

PhilaSoup accepts classroom project proposals from teachers on a rolling basis. During the soup dinner, selected educators will present their ideas for a project that they’d like to have funded. After the presentations, everyone who has gathered votes for the project that they would most like to see receive the night’s microgrant fund.

On Sunday, March 3rd, join us for PhilaSoup in Penn’s Houston Hall (3714 Spruce Street) in the Class of ’49 Auditorium located on the second floor. This month, teachers also have the opportunity to participate in a focus group on teacher collaboration with the Philadelphia Education Fund beforehand. For more information and to purchase tickets, click here. Please share with any educators and supporters of education who may be interested in attending. We hope to see you there!
