Archive | October, 2012

TIP 2013 Seminar Topics Finalized

25 Oct

The topics for TIP’s 2013 seminars have been finalized. The seminars and the University of Pennsylvania professors who will lead them are:

From Slavery to Civil Rights – Steven Hahn, Professor of History

Modern and Contemporary American Poetry – Al Filreis, Professor of English

Painless Statistics for Teachers and for Teaching – Ross Koppel, Adjunct Professor of Sociology and Medicine

Understanding the Process of Science and the Evaluation of Evidence – Ingrid Waldron, Professor Emerita of Biology

Full seminar descriptions can be viewed by visiting the About TIP section and clicking the Seminar Descriptions subheading. They are also included in TIP program brochures, which can be obtained from Teacher Representatives in TIP schools (see the Representatives tab for a list).