Archive | August, 2012

Four Fellows Represent TIP at the Yale National Initiative Summer Institute

28 Aug

The Yale National Initiative’s summer Institute program was held at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut from July 9th to 20th. Four TIP Fellows participated in the program, which brought together 68 teachers from 16 school districts across the nation. Institute Directors and professors from colleges and universities in the various program locations gathered to observe seminars and engage in discourse about the Institute model of professional development.

During two weeks of daily seminar sessions led by renowned Yale professors, Fellows and Seminar Leaders shared concepts, collaborated in writing and research, and forged relationships. Fellows have returned to their communities reinvigorated as advocates of the Institute model of effective professional development, and will share their curriculum units, based on seminar content, discussion, and independent research, with other teachers.

TIP is very proud of Tara Ann Carter, Sydney Coffin, Jessica Shupik, and Deborah Smithey for representing Philadelphia, the School District of Philadelphia, and TIP with energetic scholarship and professional collegiality. For more information about the Yale National Initiative and to view the curriculum units created by all National Fellows, please visit the YNI website.

Jessica Coldren, Tara Carter, Director Alan Lee, Deborah Smithey, and Sydney Coffin