Archive | December, 2011

Informational and networking Open House for the 2012 TIP program

1 Dec

Come join us for presentations and conversation about our upcoming 2012 seminars. Prospective participants will have the opportunity to speak with Penn professors about their seminar topics and meet with past and future TIP Fellows. The Open House will be held on Tuesday, December 6 from 4:30 – 6:00 pm in Stiteler Hall, 208 S. 37th Street, a short walk south of Walnut Street on the Penn campus.

For more information contact us at or by phone at 215-746-6176. Click here to find out if your school has a TIP Teacher Representative who can provide you with more information about the program and follow these links to find more detailed 2012 seminar descriptions and a program application. Applications for the 2012 program must be submitted to the TIP office by 5pm on by December 16, 2011.