Archive | November, 2011

Exciting Topics Are Unveiled for the 2012 Seminars

10 Nov

The Teachers Institute is proud to offer the following four seminars for the upcoming 2012 program year:

  • Environmental Mathematics with Dennis DeTurck, Professor of Mathematics
  • Human Health and Disease with Ingrid Waldron, Professor Emeritus of Biology
  • American Racial Politics with Rogers Smith, Professor of Political Science
  • “But Mostly I Lie A Lot”- The African American Short Story in the 21st Century with Herman Beavers, Associate Professor of English

Seminars will begin on January 17, 2012 and meet weekly on Tuesdays through May 8, 2012. Each seminar will consist of a dozen K-12 school district classroom teachers and a senior University of Pennsylvania professor. The two hour seminar sessions are held on the Penn campus from 4:30pm to 6:30pm each week.

Institute participants, or Fellows as they are referred to in the program, will have access to the University’s library system, museums and a wide range of other resources. With teacher participants representing a diversity of grade levels, subjects, and range of experience, fellows can expect to establish contacts, friendships, and professional networks that will serve them well in teaching in their respective schools.